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PPC SEM &  Social Ads Services in Canada

Paid search and Social Media Ads are an indispensable kickstarter for launching your brand's advertising campaigns successfully. At KBC, we excel in providing outstanding results through our comprehensive PPC, including social media advertising services and paid search ads.

Partnering with us means gaining a trusted ally committed to elevating your brand's online presence through paid search and social media ads services. Experience the power of PPC services with us and take your kickstarter campaign to new heights.

PPC Overview & Goals

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked.

Paid search, also known as Search Engine Marketing (SEM), is a subset of the PPC model. This digital strategy produces immediate results and generates leads by targeting specific keywords and demographics.

The ads appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) of platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads, as well as on various websites through display advertising. To optimize PPC campaigns, marketers use tools like Google Ads Editor, Bing Ads Editor, and Google Analytics.

The goals of PPC campaigns include driving targeted traffic, increasing brand visibility, and maximizing conversions, resulting in improved ROI and business growth.

PPC Overview & Goals

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked.

It is a highly effective digital business strategy that produces immediate results and generates leads by targeting specific keywords and demographics.

The ads appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) of platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads, as well as on various websites through display advertising.

To optimize PPC campaigns, marketers use tools like Google Ads Editor, Bing Ads Editor, and Google Analytics.

The goals of PPC campaigns include driving targeted traffic, increasing brand visibility, and maximizing conversions, resulting in improved ROI and business growth.

Spark Your Brand’s campaigns.

Wondering if PPC is worth it and how to optimize your campaigns? Let KBC help!

With 25+ years of experience and 150 managed PPC campaigns, we'll maximize your conversions.

Contact us online to get started today!


Power of a full Webflow team at the cost of one employee. Fast turnaround. No contracts or surprises. Cancel anytime.
AdBoost: Search & Social Ads
Businesses seeking rapid growth through targeted online advertising.
CUSTOM PRICEper campaign
Customized Pricing based on campaign complexity and goals
7 days money-back guarantee*

A comprehensive paid search and social ads strategy designed to maximize your online visibility and conversions.

Strategic Targeting: Reach the right audience with precision across search and social platforms.
Engagement Mastery: Craft compelling ad copy and visuals for maximum impact.
Conversion Excellence: Use data-driven analytics to continually optimize campaigns.
Ongoing campaign management with real-time performance tracking.
Detailed insights into your business goals, target audience, existing online presence. and any current advertising efforts.
Schedule a call with our experts
Lead Generation Accelerator
Ideal for startups, small businesses, and individuals seeking a professional online presence.
CUSTOM PRICEper campaign
Customized Pricing based on scope and goals

A comprehensive lead generation strategy designed to attract, engage, and convert potential customers.

Strategic Outreach: Reach your ideal prospects through targeted campaigns.
Engagement Finesse:
Nurture leads with compelling content and interactions.
Conversion Optimization: Utilize data-driven insights to refine and maximize conversions.
Ongoing lead generation with regular performance tracking and refinement.
Detailed understanding of your target audience and current lead generation efforts.
Schedule a call with our experts

Paid Social Media:
Worth The Investment?

What is Paid Social media?

Paid social media refers to advertising on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It involves displaying sponsored marketing messages to a targeted audience.

Key platforms for paid social media include:





Each platform has its own distinct features, but the essential elements for successful paid ads include visual content, accessible lead capture forms, and sufficient space for compelling ad copy.

Paid social media: Transforming Your Business through Incremental Growth!

Paid social media can help businesses achieve various objectives and increments, including:

- Increased Reach: Expand audience reach

- Improved Brand Awareness: Boost brand recognition

- Enhanced Engagement: Foster active user participation.

- Boosted Website Traffic: Drive more website visits.

- Lead Generation: Generate valuable customer leads.

- Increased Conversions: Improve conversion rates.

- Improved ROI: Maximize advertising return on investment

- Lead Generation: Generate valuable customer leads.

- Improved Brand Awareness: Boost brand recognition

- Increased Reach: Expand audience reach

- Increased Conversions: Improve conversion rates.

- Boosted Website Traffic: Drive more website visits.

- Improved ROI: Maximize advertising return on investment

- Enhanced Engagement: Foster active user participation.

Social Media Advertising Services

Strategy Sessions

Develop a winning social media marketing strategy based on expertise and best practices

Graphic Design

Create captivating designs for social media ads, testing multiple formats for optimal performance

Paid advertising

Launch paid campaigns to boost brand awareness, engagement, and conversions for different audience segments


Craft compelling copy for ads and landing pages that drive desired actions

Targeted audience selection

Customize ads for targeted audiences based on demographics, psychographics, and interests

Activity Tracking

Track audience activity on your website through custom conversions tied to social media ads

Let’s Work Together!


What are PPC Ads?

PPC Ads, or Pay-Per-Click Ads, are a form of online advertising where advertisers pay each time their ad is clicked by a user. These ads typically appear in search engine results or on websites, and advertisers bid on relevant keywords to target their audience. It's an effective way to drive immediate traffic to a website and increase visibility, as advertisers only pay when users actually click on their ads.

Does social media advertising work?

Yes, social media advertising can be highly effective. With billions of active users on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, social media ads can reach a vast audience and target specific demographics based on user interests and behavior. Social media advertising allows businesses to promote their products or services, increase brand awareness, engage with their audience, and drive traffic to their website or landing pages.

 Does PPC support organic growth?

 While PPC primarily focuses on paid advertising, it can indirectly support organic growth. By driving targeted traffic to a website through PPC campaigns, businesses can increase brand visibility, generate leads, and potentially improve their search engine rankings. Additionally, PPC provides valuable data and insights that can inform organic strategies and help optimize content for better organic search performance.

What is the difference between PPC and SEO?

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are two distinct online marketing approaches. PPC involves paying for ads to appear in search engine results or on websites, while SEO focuses on optimizing website content and structure to improve organic rankings in search engines. PPC provides immediate visibility through paid ads but requires ongoing investment, while SEO aims to improve organic rankings over time through strategic optimization efforts. Both strategies have their benefits and are often used together for comprehensive online marketing.

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