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Embrace Business Evolution with Agile MBA!

Pave Your Path to Success

Experience the true power of an Agile MBA, where boundaries are shattered, and possibilities are unleashed.

Discover a realm of infinite opportunities in the dynamic business landscape, as you navigate through rapid change and foster a collaborative spirit that ignites innovation.

Embrace Digital Transformation with e-Learning at its core, as the Agile MBA program empowers you to conquer new frontiers and stay at the forefront of the digital age.

The Agile Philosophy: Embracing Adaptability and Collaboration

The Agile philosophy encompasses a set of principles that prioritize adaptability and collaboration in project management and modern business practices.
At its core are the four values of the Agile Manifesto, which provide a compass for teams and organizations striving to achieve success in a rapidly changing world.

The 4 Values of the Agile Manifesto:


Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Agile puts a strong emphasis on the importance of effective communication and collaboration among team members. It recognizes that empowered individuals working together are the key to success.


Working software over comprehensive documentation

Agile encourages a focus on delivering tangible results, such as functional software, rather than getting caught up in extensive documentation. This approach ensures that customer needs and expectations are met more efficiently.


Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Agile promotes active involvement of the customer throughout the development process. By engaging in ongoing collaboration, teams can better understand customer requirements, adapt to their evolving needs, and deliver a product that truly meets their expectations.


Responding to change over following a plan

Agile embraces change as an inherent part of any project. It values flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to new circumstances, enabling teams to respond effectively to evolving market conditions and customer demands.

extra benefits

In addition to the core principles of the Agile Manifesto, there are additional benefits that organizations can gain from adopting Agile practices. Effective communication becomes the lifeblood of teams, ensuring transparency, alignment, and efficient collaboration.
Flexibility allows for faster response times to market changes, giving businesses a competitive edge. Emphasizing value first ensures that resources are focused on delivering the highest value features and products to customers, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Who Needs Agile?

A Call for Efficient and Collaborative Product Management

Agile is a call for individuals and organizations seeking to improve efficiency, collaboration, and adaptability in their projects and products. Various roles can benefit from Agile, including project managers, developers, testers, product owners, and stakeholders.

According to a survey, teams using Agile methodologies experience 28% faster time-to-market and 75% increased team productivity. By embracing Agility, companies can reduce costs by 20% and increase customer satisfaction by 35%.


Powerful Modules for Agile Mastery

Module 1:

Introduction to Agile and Scrum

Provides a foundational understanding of Agile and Scrum methodologies for project management.
Module 2:

Relative Value and Effort Exercise

Teaches how to prioritize and estimate tasks effectively by assessing their value and effort.
Module 3:

Principles of Product Development Flow

Covers the principles of Lean and how they can be applied to product development to improve flow and eliminate waste.
Module 4:

Theory of Constraints/ Systems Thinking

Introduces the concept of systems thinking and the theory of constraints to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in processes.
Module 5:

Cognitive Illusions

 Explores common cognitive biases and how to identify and avoid them to improve decision-making.


Supercharge your career with our e-learning Agile MBA packages, offering flexible, comprehensive education to boost your business skills and excel in today's dynamic marketplace.

Participants will know more about Agile and be able to implement doing the right things right.
1 Day Agile MBA
Best for whom wants to know more about Agile, how it can benefit an organization and be able to implement the right way
$250.00 CAD
Per participant, plus HST where applicable

(Minimum 20 participants)
Online Program
About The speaker:
Larry Apke has been working in software development for over 20 years with the last 10+ years involved with Agile software development.
Introduction to Agile and Scrum - The Whys of Agile
Relative value and effort exercise - Exercise
Principles of Product Development Flow
Cognitive Illusions
Theory of Constraints / Systems Thinking
3 Day Agile MBA
Best for Project Managers, Agile Coaches, Business Executives, and Team Leaders wanting to learn how to develop and manage with Agility
$950.00 CAD
Per participant, plus HST where applicable
Online Program
KBC Founder Sarjun Gharib
About The speaker:
Sarjun Gharib is a Agile Coach and Management Consultant with over 10 years of experience empowering public, private, and SME's with digital business strategy, design and development.
About The speaker:
Larry Apke has been working in software development for over 20 years with the last 10+ years involved with Agile software development.
Introduction to Agile and Scrum
Product Development Flow
Systems Thinking and Theory of Constraints
Cognitive Biases and the Human Side of Programming
Overflow and Deeper Dives


 Is Agile the same as Scrum?

Agile and Scrum are not the same. Agile is a broader set of principles and values for flexible project management, while Scrum is a popular light-weight framework within Agile that defines roles, ceremonies, and artifacts.

 Is Agile a methodology?

Agile is not a methodology itself but rather a mindset or approach to project and product management. It emphasizes iterative and incremental development, collaboration, and adaptability. Various methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, fall under the Agile umbrella.

Does Agile only apply to software development?

 No, Agile principles can be applied beyond software development. Agile has found success in various industries, including marketing, construction, healthcare, and more. It is adaptable to different types of projects that require flexibility and collaboration.

Does Agile work for large companies?

 Yes, Agile can be successfully implemented in large companies. Scaling frameworks like SAFE (Scaled Agile Framework) and LESS (Large-Scale Scrum) provide guidance for applying Agile principles across multiple teams and departments, enabling large organizations to benefit from Agile practices.

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